Children are placed in classes according to level of proficiency and consideration of age.
Placement changes may occur during the first two weeks of class. Mastering the academics of dance should be an enjoyable experience for children.
We understand and share your concerns; therefore, we gladly work with you and your child and our teachers to insure appropriate class assignments.
- The Two Worlds website (twoworldsny.com) and emails are your source for all dance school year information.
- It is your responsibility to make sure that Two Worlds has a correct email address for you, so you can receive all updates.
- TW is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
- Dancers are not permitted to wear necklaces, bracelets or rings during class. This is for the safety of your child and all dancers in the room.
- Students may not enter studio without a teacher present. Dancers must wait in the area outside each studio till teacher arrives.
- Cell phones must be turned off or left outside studios during class.
- All fees & payments are non-refundable & nontransferable, including class registration deposits, payments,costume fees, video fees (not optional,each family pays $15 fee once for all students in their family) & performance tickets. Tuition payments will be made automaticly on due date.
- Enrollment is for the entire academic school year.
- If you need to drop a class you must email Laura@dhtw.com of the drop. There are no refunds but if you drop before the 2nd payment & costume fee is due TW will not charge the 2nd payment or for a costume.
- Class schedule & teacher assignment are subject to change.
- Leaving a deposit does not guarantee a place in your requested class, your credit card deposit will not be charged if your class is at capacity & closed before we get to your application.
- Two Worlds is not responsible for dancers who leave studio facility between classes when they are out of TW premisies.
- End of the Year Recital: ALL CONFLICTS relating to the performance dates must be emailed to Laura Stein (laura@dhtw.com) by Dec 1st. It is your responsibility to check your personal calendars and school calendars for conflicting events and their dates. We will try to accommadate you if possible. Also, please be aware that if necessary Performance Dates and Times are subject to change.
- Please note that on occasion due to unpredictable request a limit may be placed on the number of tickets per family.
- Ticket orders: All seats are assigned & are purchased through Dance Recital Ticketing. There are no refunds for puchased tickets.
- End of the Year Recital: All dance classes, except Creative Dance & Creative Movement participate in the TW June recitals. Costumes are ordered for each student in all of our recital classes by December 10th. You are responsible for payment of the costume(s) for the class(es) your child is enrolled in.
- Costumes: Children are measured for their costume sizes in November.Costumes are not custom made, and you are responsible for any alterations.
- In the event of bad weather, TW will send an email letting you know if we are open or closed. We do not have snow day make ups. We are scheduled for the entire year except for holidays and there are no days available for make ups.
- EarlyRegistration for the dance school year begins tentatively on April 15th
- During early registration, all students currently registered for a particular class, will have first opportunity to register for the same class, same day, same teacher (or teacher taking over the class from year before),one grade up, for the coming dance school year.This makes for a smooth dance academic transition.
- Please be sure to open all emails that specify “CHILDREN & TEEN PROGRAM”. Please make sure we are listed in your address tab so we do not go to your spam or junk mail. If you are not getting emails please email Bonnie@dhtw.com to check your email status.
- Students are required to dress according to the TW Dress Code for each class.
- Any student who is either disruptive or disrespectful in class, will be asked to sit out, until they are ready to participate.
- TW reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment without a refund, due to student’s non-compliance with conduct code.
- Studios are closed when classes are in session. Parents can watch only if their teacher invites them to watch a session. There is no taking videos of classes by parents to protect all our children.
- Students may only attend the class(es) they are registered for, there are no make ups available.
- Two Worlds has the right to publish photos and or videos from classes and or performances.